50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO)

One On One Flavors

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50/50 Bar-Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO)
An icy treat; frozen raspberry flavor wrapped around creamy vanilla ice cream.
DIY Flavor Concentrates One On One
50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO)

50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO) Specifications

Base Type:
Specific Gravity:
Refractive Index:
Flash Point:
Butyric Acid:
Suggested Stand Alone Percent:
Suggested Mix Percent:
Suggested Pairings:
Shipping Restrictions:
Flavor Specification Sheet

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50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO) Spec Sheet
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50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO) COA

50/50 Bar - Raspberry and Ice Cream (OOO) Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

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